Imagine….dialoguing instead of debating, dancing instead of wrestling and cooperating instead of competing…

25 years of research and practice by Maria at the Centre for Peaceful Solutions led to the understanding that some essential communication skills are missing for most of us.

Whether within our families or relationships, with our clients, in disputes or in education, conversations don’t always go the way that we would like and can leave us feeling disempowered, judged or misunderstood or lacking in the connection we seek.

In response to this all too common dilemma, Maria developed the Dialogue Road Map.


We’re really proud of our training courses and we consistently receive exceptional feedback. Since 2005 we have trained over 2000 people from all walks of life. We take great care to ensure each course is a joyful way to learn and practice enhanced ways of communicating. We really know our subject inside out – what we teach has been tried and tested by us in highly challenging situations so we know it works.

We are passionate about sharing the knowledge and we’re interested in what you want to do with the skills and knowledge so we will help you to develop and make progress. Each training responds moment by moment to the feedback we receive and is never formulaic. It is of paramount importance to us that every participant acquires tools that will be directly helpful to their particular situation so we contextualise the content to address the situations that matter most to the group.

Who is our training for?

  • Individuals seeking to improve communication with their loved ones
  • Parents seeking cooperation from their children
  • Professionals dealing with clients who are in conflict, trauma, distress or crisis
  • Leaders who are required to address conflict in their team
  • Front line workers wanting better outcomes with their service users
  • Consultants and practitioners who want to know how to resolve conflict
  • HR personnel wanting to prevent conflict escalation
  • Customer Service personnel who are required to resolve complaints
  • People who want to mediate disputes
  • Experienced Mediators wanting to hone skills

Dialogue Road Map

The Dialogue Road Map is our unique communications tool.

This is our most popular course. Over 2000 people have participated from all walks of life including business owners, directors, executives, lawyers, judges, prison officers, teachers, prisoners, ex-offenders, families, pupils, gang members, police officers, healers, doctors, neighbours, civil servants, mediators, counsellors….all ordinary people who want to know more about conflict and how to resolve it. Everyone leaves with skills that can transform communication both personally and professionally. Maria created the Dialogue Road Map and along with husband David demonstrates how they use the Dialogue Road Map as mediators, practitioners and within their own marriage.

Click the button below to hear more about the course from David Ellis.

Why not set up a time to discuss whether this course is for you and what it entails.

Email us your interest and we will be in touch

Facilitator Training; Skills and Theory

With Maria Arpa MBE

We run training every year beginning in January; please get in contact with us if you are interested.

This course explains why people fight, why fights escalate and why escalation turns people into enemies. You will learn how to transform disputing behaviour into collaborative agreements.

On completion of this training you will:

  • Understand mediation and the role of the mediator
  • Know how to engage and work with parties who seem intractable
  • Take account of how your own thinking can escalate or de-escalate conflict
  • Have a selection of tools and techniques for managing the mediation process
  • Be ready to empower a person to find solutions even when they seem to be entrenched

During the training you will:

  • Learn and practice the 5 components of the Dialogue Road Map
  • Learn and practice the 7 stages of the mediation process
  • Use empathy to de-escalate aggression
  • Understand how people in conflict behave and what lies beneath the behaviour
  • Experience how impartiality and empowerment work
  • Find out how to prepare disputants to mediate and deal with conflict more effectively
  • Discover your compassionate self in a heated dispute both personally and professionally

Is this right for you?

This training is a big decision and we want you to make the right choice to get what you need for your situation.  Call us to discuss your needs. At the end of the conversation you will be able to decide whether this course is for you or we can signpost you in the right direction.

At Peaceful Solutions we have been mediating conflict and training mediators for over ten years.  We know from experience that the source and solution to every conflict is communication. This training will give you the tools for managing conflict both personally and professionally. It will help you develop the insight to recognise the issues that lead to dysfunctional communication.

Where this training differs from others training is that we teach you how to use mediation, nonviolent communication and conflict resolution both personally and professionally and we work on engagement of the parties throughout the process.

  • You are invited to participate, ask questions and give feedback as we go
  • The training is intended to stretch you.
  • We challenge commonly held views.

On completing this training you will have the skills to help yourself and others in conflict.

Why not set up a time to chat through your requirements?

Email for a ‘no-obligation’, ‘no pressure’ conversation